compiled & verified results/findings of emotional and facial behavioral variance

EBD’s (Autism & ADHD)

This abbreviated case study illustrates the variance of emotional and facial traits of children affected by Autism & ADHD when compared to normal children

Status : Completed

High IQ

This abbreviated case study illustrates the variance of emotional and facial traits of children with Hiqh IQ when compared to low IQ children

Status : Completed

Age & Gender

This abbreviated case study illustrates the variance of emotional and facial traits of children across age and gender groups

Status : Completed

Parental Involvement

This abbreviated case study illustrates the variance of emotional and facial traits of children with both parents available, orphans, semi orphans and separated parents

Status : Completed

Drug/Therapy Effectiveness - ADHD

Select ADHD diagnosed children participated in a 12 week study that measured their Hyperactivity, Attention & Impulsivity over multiple sessions.

Study shows pre and post drug(retalin)/therapy results

Status : Ongoing

Therapy Effectiveness - Autism

Select children who were high on the Autism Spectrum participated in a 12 week study that measured their Emotional Competence, Focus, Hyperactivity, Attention & Impulsivity over multiple sessions.

Study shows pre and post drug(retalin)/therapy results

Status : Ongoing

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